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 グローバル税制改革に取り組むNGO6団体—Eurodad(European Network on Debt and Development)、EUTO(EU Tax Observatory)、GATJ(Global Alliance for Tax Justice)、ICRICT(Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation)、TJN(Tax Justice Network)、WIL(World Inequality Lab)―が2024年3月14~15日にパリで国連租税協定をテーマにして国際政策研究会議を開く。






*Chowdhary, A. & Picciotto, S., 2021, ‘Streamlining the Architecture of International Tax through a UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation’, Tax Cooperation Policy Brief 21,

*Hugo, T. & Løvold, M., 2022, A UN Tax Convention? Exploring the merits and feasibility of a new international convention on tax and financial transparency, Norwegian Academy of International Law,

*Ryding, T., 2022, Proposal for a United Nations Convention on Tax, Eurodad/Global Alliance for Tax Justice,

*Tanzi, V., 1999, ‘Is There a Need for a World Tax Organization?’, 173-186 in A, Razin & E. Sadka, The Economics of Globalization: Perspectives from Public Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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